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Friday, September 21, 2012

Tail end of summer.

Forgive me for my severe delay in writing anything good. I've been enjoying the end of summer!

1) Here are those rick climbing pictures I promised!  Look at me go! :P  It was extremely frustrating and occasionally painful to get up some routes, but I did it! And, as per usual, I got many-a-black and blue bruises for my efforts.  Have I mentioned how sexy my legs are? Bring it on, boys!  I've been slacking in my rock climbing lately, though. For some odd reason, my social calendar seems to be exploding (which is a nice change from the days I'm sitting at home alone with the cat contemplating my loser quotient. Cue Britney Spears karaoke..."my lonliness is killing me!".)

My friend Matt setting up the ropes.  Good thing he's a trustworthy fellow and I didn't plummet to my end.

Dorking out in a pretty place. CHEESE :)

Speaking of cheese!  Matt indulged my cheese problem and let us stop at the  Mousehouse. So....much....queso.  Just looking at it all will clog you up for a week!

Here I am in all my rapelling glory

2) I went to my friend Sara's wedding with some work peeps.  I'll share the photos just because they're fun! I was technically on call.  A pager goes great with any dress.

Getting scolded sipping my boozy boozy while working

This is what happens when you go dateless to a wedding. You battle your friend over the only eligible bachelor in the joint.

Keeping it classy.

You have to take at least ONE good one (I guess.  After all, these memories last a lifetime.  Don't want any future generations thinking I'm 100% special needs)

3) The Wisconsin State Fair came and went again. I made my annual pilgrimage with Adam (3 years running!).  This years visit felt quite tame compared to the last 2. We weren't there too long and didn't eat anything too crazy (I tasted the fried PB&J and the fried oreos).  I did make friends with some traveling street performers (go figure) and had a fantastic week hanging out with them before they moved along to their next city.  Echo didn't so much enjoy their company though as my poor feline friend was juggled (Side note: cat's don't like to be juggled and it doesn't work out too well). I'll give those boys a plug for the few people who come across my blog: If you get the chance to see Project Dynamite in action, I recommend them! Funny stuff!!!!

Naturally, when you see a wooden cutout, you put your head in for a photo-op.  Adam doing his best Joker.

Why yes, I did give Christian Bale tips and tricks on how to be a good Batman. Thank you for noticing.

Echo (begrudgingly) in on the state fair festivities

Project Dynamite in action.

5) Nick came to visit me!  We chillaxed.  And by that I mean we drank and got our inner hipster on by slacklining!  For those of you unaware of what slacklining is: it is(attempting to) balance on a 1-2in wide nylon strap anchored between 2 trees.  It's hilariously difficult.  But it made me feel like a circus star :P  We also walked an 8k to support the Children's Hospital.  Well, he walked, I danced (see photo below).  Oh - and we went on Lakefront brewery tour where I was awkwardly hit on by a drunk employee.
   - Drunkard:  "Are you lost?"
   - Me: "What? No. I'm on the brewery tour. Obviously"
   - Drunkard: " Oh that's good.  You are far too attractive to be lost.  It would be unfortunate"
   - Me :  "Uh, thanks?"

Good to know that I will never ever be lost again.  If I ever find myself not 100% sure of my whereabouts, I will just repeat my new mantra " I AM TOO ATTRACTIVE TO BE LOST"

Speaking of random compliments:
1) "I love your hair color! That's what color I would want my hair to be, you know, if I wasn't Asian"   Thank you random Asian.  Thank you.  I wish I had your shiny sleek pin straight black hair - but I think it'd make me look gothic.
2) "You look like a hot Taylor Swift"  Thank you, but that pick up line isn't going to work.  You can ask the last guy who tried it (Really.  It happened twice)
3) "I would totally be into you if I wasn't gay"  That doesn't help me out at all.

This just is.

Moves like Jagger.  Coffee like Starbucks.

The walking for Children's Hospital crowd!

Nick helping one of the many throngs of local children who wanted to try the slack line. They were like zombies who smelled blood - first there were only 2, then there were 20!

Concentrating hard and having a go!  I could get on it and take about 1 step before falling off.

Nick was much better than me

6) I was SUPPOSED to go hang-gliding but got canceled one time due to rain (boo) and a second time due to too gusty of winds.  Ugh.  Hopefully 3rd times the charm... Oct 8! Keep your fingers crossed for me. Adrenaline for the win! Instead of wasting my beautiful gusty day on this last cancellation, I went hiking instead.

When in doubt...hike!

Yea selfies!

Part of the trail

7) What's on the up and up???  Hrm.... I reached the 2000mile mark in my new car.  It's rather depressing putting miles on Kermit!  I want him to stay new forever!!

 Oh - and I'm hardcore jonesin' for a trip somewhere! PLEASE!  I wouldn't mind doing a solo trip again, but going with a friend would be much more enjoyable.  Interested? Let me know!

And does anyone have any tips on kicking a coffee addiction? I've found myself spiraling out of control :P Admittance is the first key to recovery.  Right? RIGHT?

Here's a few more random photos for now.
Working hard at Children's Hospital! (they delivered me a new mattress so I took the opportunity to play in the box)


This one cropped up from my Europe trip and I do love it so.  Prague (if I remember right!) This museum was closed, so we popped a squat.

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