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Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's November!?

Holy crap!  What have I been doing?!  I can tell you what I haven't been doing:

1) I haven't been updating this blog
2) I haven't been sticking to my "I'm going to exercise and eat right so I don't gain 500 holiday pounds"
3) I haven't been getting all my holiday shopping done like I promised myself
4) I haven't been cooking myself dinner (popcorn and peanut butter off the spoon suffices, no?)

Anyways, to update you a wee bit on my happenings oh friends and family:

I went hanggliding!  Finally!  It took 4 weather related rescheduled in 4 months to finally take flight, but I made it!!!  Now you may be asking youself: where the f*** does someone go hanggliding in Wisconsin?! There's no cliff there to leap off of! And of course you'd be absolutely correct. Instead, this impossibly small single-man glider tows you up on a cable until your high enough then *poof* drops you out of the sky.  Quite fun actually!  The ride up was a bit turbulent, but by no means the scariest thing I've ever tried.  Just another tick mark on the never-ending bucket list of life!
                                                        Harnessed up and ready to go!

                                                                      The tow up 

                                                              Fly, my monkeys, FLY!

Halloween also came and went (as I'm sure you know unless you decided to boycott the month of October for some reason....)  I'm always crazy excited for Halloween because dressing up and looking ridiculous is too much fun!  I was invited out with some girlfriends from work (they forgave me for my embarrassing velociraptor costume 2 years ago and decided to give me one more chance at being seen in public with them)  I recycled the old faithful costume of the poodle skirt!  This thing is bordering on 18 years old!  Originally made by my mama for a 2nd grade 'oldies' music recital - it's still going strong after only mild modifications.  It was floor length on 2nd grade me - now it is more appropriately just below the knee.  The elastic waist band has since been removed (I could pull it over my head when I was 100# soaking wet in high school) but now with these damn baby birthin' hips I've somehow acquired, I conveniently sewed in a zipper and think I can get another 20+ years outta this costume!  Jackpot :P  Halloween also consisted of pumpkin carving, but I didn't get a picture before it rotted out, and an awesome haunted house (where I'm sure my partner in crime on that endeavor was much more amused by my toddler like shrieks than the actual haunted house)

                                                                             Ready to roll!

Hrmmm, what else can I tell you about?  There's been a few girls nights out.  I did my American duty and voted (early voting for the win!  No waiting in long geriatric ridden lines for me on November 6!!!).  I booked a ticket to go out to Colorado for Turkey Day.  That about raps it up I think.  Pretty low key.   If I think of anything else, I'll let you guys know!  Keep in touch!


                     Gettin' our wedding on!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tail end of summer.

Forgive me for my severe delay in writing anything good. I've been enjoying the end of summer!

1) Here are those rick climbing pictures I promised!  Look at me go! :P  It was extremely frustrating and occasionally painful to get up some routes, but I did it! And, as per usual, I got many-a-black and blue bruises for my efforts.  Have I mentioned how sexy my legs are? Bring it on, boys!  I've been slacking in my rock climbing lately, though. For some odd reason, my social calendar seems to be exploding (which is a nice change from the days I'm sitting at home alone with the cat contemplating my loser quotient. Cue Britney Spears karaoke..."my lonliness is killing me!".)

My friend Matt setting up the ropes.  Good thing he's a trustworthy fellow and I didn't plummet to my end.

Dorking out in a pretty place. CHEESE :)

Speaking of cheese!  Matt indulged my cheese problem and let us stop at the  Mousehouse. So....much....queso.  Just looking at it all will clog you up for a week!

Here I am in all my rapelling glory

2) I went to my friend Sara's wedding with some work peeps.  I'll share the photos just because they're fun! I was technically on call.  A pager goes great with any dress.

Getting scolded sipping my boozy boozy while working

This is what happens when you go dateless to a wedding. You battle your friend over the only eligible bachelor in the joint.

Keeping it classy.

You have to take at least ONE good one (I guess.  After all, these memories last a lifetime.  Don't want any future generations thinking I'm 100% special needs)

3) The Wisconsin State Fair came and went again. I made my annual pilgrimage with Adam (3 years running!).  This years visit felt quite tame compared to the last 2. We weren't there too long and didn't eat anything too crazy (I tasted the fried PB&J and the fried oreos).  I did make friends with some traveling street performers (go figure) and had a fantastic week hanging out with them before they moved along to their next city.  Echo didn't so much enjoy their company though as my poor feline friend was juggled (Side note: cat's don't like to be juggled and it doesn't work out too well). I'll give those boys a plug for the few people who come across my blog: If you get the chance to see Project Dynamite in action, I recommend them! Funny stuff!!!!

Naturally, when you see a wooden cutout, you put your head in for a photo-op.  Adam doing his best Joker.

Why yes, I did give Christian Bale tips and tricks on how to be a good Batman. Thank you for noticing.

Echo (begrudgingly) in on the state fair festivities

Project Dynamite in action.

5) Nick came to visit me!  We chillaxed.  And by that I mean we drank and got our inner hipster on by slacklining!  For those of you unaware of what slacklining is: it is(attempting to) balance on a 1-2in wide nylon strap anchored between 2 trees.  It's hilariously difficult.  But it made me feel like a circus star :P  We also walked an 8k to support the Children's Hospital.  Well, he walked, I danced (see photo below).  Oh - and we went on Lakefront brewery tour where I was awkwardly hit on by a drunk employee.
   - Drunkard:  "Are you lost?"
   - Me: "What? No. I'm on the brewery tour. Obviously"
   - Drunkard: " Oh that's good.  You are far too attractive to be lost.  It would be unfortunate"
   - Me :  "Uh, thanks?"

Good to know that I will never ever be lost again.  If I ever find myself not 100% sure of my whereabouts, I will just repeat my new mantra " I AM TOO ATTRACTIVE TO BE LOST"

Speaking of random compliments:
1) "I love your hair color! That's what color I would want my hair to be, you know, if I wasn't Asian"   Thank you random Asian.  Thank you.  I wish I had your shiny sleek pin straight black hair - but I think it'd make me look gothic.
2) "You look like a hot Taylor Swift"  Thank you, but that pick up line isn't going to work.  You can ask the last guy who tried it (Really.  It happened twice)
3) "I would totally be into you if I wasn't gay"  That doesn't help me out at all.

This just is.

Moves like Jagger.  Coffee like Starbucks.

The walking for Children's Hospital crowd!

Nick helping one of the many throngs of local children who wanted to try the slack line. They were like zombies who smelled blood - first there were only 2, then there were 20!

Concentrating hard and having a go!  I could get on it and take about 1 step before falling off.

Nick was much better than me

6) I was SUPPOSED to go hang-gliding but got canceled one time due to rain (boo) and a second time due to too gusty of winds.  Ugh.  Hopefully 3rd times the charm... Oct 8! Keep your fingers crossed for me. Adrenaline for the win! Instead of wasting my beautiful gusty day on this last cancellation, I went hiking instead.

When in doubt...hike!

Yea selfies!

Part of the trail

7) What's on the up and up???  Hrm.... I reached the 2000mile mark in my new car.  It's rather depressing putting miles on Kermit!  I want him to stay new forever!!

 Oh - and I'm hardcore jonesin' for a trip somewhere! PLEASE!  I wouldn't mind doing a solo trip again, but going with a friend would be much more enjoyable.  Interested? Let me know!

And does anyone have any tips on kicking a coffee addiction? I've found myself spiraling out of control :P Admittance is the first key to recovery.  Right? RIGHT?

Here's a few more random photos for now.
Working hard at Children's Hospital! (they delivered me a new mattress so I took the opportunity to play in the box)


This one cropped up from my Europe trip and I do love it so.  Prague (if I remember right!) This museum was closed, so we popped a squat.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Still enjoying summer!!!

Since my epic adventure with the mama, I've still been keeping busy busy!  Let me give you a quick update!

Mid July, the New Belgium Tour de Fat came to Milwaukee.  For those of you unfamiliar, Tour de Fat is a bicycle and beer festival encouraging, go figure, cycling and drinking :P (responsibly of course).  Living in Fort Collins, the home of New Belgium, my mom has experienced the original Tour de Fat in all its glory. It's quite the event out there, too! Dare I say thousands show up?! It was so popular it started touring 'round the good 'ole USA and found itself in Milwaukee - where maybe a hundred or so showed...  So not quite the blazing Colorado event, but still fun.  I got to ride sill bikes!

Preluding the slow bike ride with the Rhyme-ese twins. I sadly did not bike in the extremely slow ride :( 

I did end up hopping on this sucker. It was very hard to pedal in the grass and very unsatisfying, too. All you did was spin in circles. Maybe I didn't drink enough beer....

Best bike of the day since it was so hot!

It's not a bike, but spinning is so much fun!

Not sure if you're supposed to climb the city sculptures, but no one stopped me.

Also in July - I went to Chicago to visit the aquarium!!!!!!! Woot woot.  It's been years since I've seen it, so it was nice to go. Made me crave Red Lobster though.... is that wrong?  I also saw the famous shiny Millenium Park bean for the first time ever!  I've been in the MidWest on and off for over a decade now and this is my first time!? What the hell have I been doing?
Can you tell their special exhibit was jellies?

Kissing my fish prince... that's how the story goes, right?

In the ice cave

I thought these little eels were HILARIOUS. 

Da bean.

Obligatory "Hey mom, look! I'm in the bean!" photo.

I'm in this one, too. But it's more of a 'Where's Waldo' theme

My new Chicago bar

No pictures, but I also hit up Six Flags with my friend Michelle (same Michelle from skydiving!) It was blistering HOT HOT HOT out (over 104!) so we opted to not take any photos since we were feeling quite moist from sweat and agreed that we had looked better...

Oh- and in case you haven't noticed on Facebook: I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!! My first brand new car ever! I'm quite excited (though not about the car payment and the higher insurance) but I feel like it was much needed. Poor Sylvia the Silver Sable was struggling and who knows how long she was going to hold out.  Now I am the proud owner of a light green Fiat 500.  It's a tiny little peanut car, so I guess I get out of lugging people around town and always being the DD :P  I even got the full "pain in the ass, we're going to give you a total run around" experience from the car dealership.  Yea me!  Although there has been no official name chosen, I'm leaning towards Kermit.

Beep beep! It's a manual, too :P

I can officially parallel park anywhere

In the front

It does have a back seat, but only for your friends who have no legs.

Well, I think that's about it for now.  Things to look forward to for the rest of summer include a wedding (tomorrow actually!), Dad coming for a visit, and (hopefully) a hang-gliding trip (assuming the stupid company ever calls back to confirm my appointment.  Oh - and I went rock climbing outdoors again, but I don't have those pictures up yet: so I'll try to include that next time, too!  Catch ya on the flip side!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mamas are falling from the sky!

Heeeeeelllllllloooooooo again!  Welcome back to another oh-so-thrilling and exciting update from yours truly! I must say, things have quieted down a lot for me, but I guess not traveling through Europe anymore will do that to a girl.  But it hasn't been all boring! Here we go!

Once I got back to the good 'ole USofA, I had a skydiving date with Jim and Michelle. They were both newbies to throwing themselves out of planes and they didn't need to twist my arm to get me to go again! It was, of course, a fantastic time!  We had to wait a bit before we actually got to jump which killed the adrenaline a bit, but no bother.  We all made it up and down safely.  I especially had the most touchy feely tandem instructor imaginable to thank for that!  While Jim and Michelle were harnessed up and abandoned by their respective instructors, mine had me kneeling awkwardly on the ground while he mimed our proximity to one another during the jump.  And by mimed, I mean pushed his crotch into my back.  Quite odd, but I'm not about to piss off a guy who has my life in his hands for the next hour :P And I even got a hug once we landed!  Everybody loves a ginger... 

I have awesomely brave friends!!! Way to go Michelle! 

Jim and I (sweating and) holding up our triumphant certificates

I got yet another nasty bruise from the skydiving harness.  I don't think I'll ever not be black and blue.

Continuing on with the creepy men theme: I went dancing with the girls in a prominently Hispanic part of town! We went out for margaritas and rode the chili pepper (think vegetable version of a mechanical bull)and then got our salsa on!  It was like I was surrounded by hundreds of latin Tom Cruise's - all the guys were so tiny! But they sure do love to dance with the white ladies! So silly.  I was even told that I look like a hot Taylor Swift.....definitely one of the more creative pick up lines I suppose.

It was pouring rain that day so we ended up looking like hot messes (emphasis on the hot part)

Holding on to the vicious pepper!

I went to Michigan for a weekend cause Miss Brenna became a Mrs.!  Congrats to the beautiful bride and groom!!!  The wedding was quite lovely (and so were the drinks :P)

Pretty pretty! 

A wonderful high school friend turned bridesmaid, Liz and I!

And another gorgeous attendant, Caitlin! It was wonderful to see my old friends! 

Meg's papa made me drinks :P 2 screaming orgasms to be exact!

We did the following:
1) The Lakefront Brewery tour where we got drunk before noon!
Me happy with my full beer

Mama sad with her empty beer


2) Ate at Barnacle Buds (once we found it! Stupid hidden restaurants)

3) We saw Darius Rucker (COUNTRY HOOTIE) and Lady Antebellum at SummerFest 

Mom cracking up at a not-quite-petite man took the tiny bench seat right next to her. This picture doesn't do him justice.


Lady A - Let's be honest. Their songs are good, but we only went cause the guys are good looking

4) Went to a Brewers game (and roasted in the 100 degree heat! Ouch Ouch Ouch) We also got drinks to cool us down and we all know how alcohol works in heat :P
Racing meat! God Bless Milwaukee

Our seats were awesome, except they were 100% free of shade in the 95 degree day.  We were dogging it (and the frozen alcoholic drink probably didn't help :P)

5) We got mama/daughter tattoos (We are such a terrible influence on eachother! But it's ok. It just means we're more fun that way!)  I'd say we thought about it in depth before we decided to put something permanent on our bodies, but that would ruin how spontaneous we are.

The stencil before! Last chance to change my mind!

Turns out wrists are kinda sensitive...

Mom's turn

 Looking awfully relaxed

The finished product!  Mom's represented by the red balloon while mine is the purple one!

6)Mama was envious that I got to go skydiving, so she went too!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't you wish your mother was as kick-ass as mine? (Well, I guess Erich doesn't, since we have the same mama, but the rest of you, the rest of you should be TOTALLY jealous!)

Signing the death waivers
Getting saddled up! While this is happening- mom turns to me and whispers"Yes!  I got the cute one!" refering to her tandem partner! :D Oh mama!!!

Nerves? Excitement? She's ready to go!

Success!  She rocked it out! So proud of you, mom!

6) We generally laughed so hard, at any given time one of us could have peed our pants :D  Who else goes to see Magic Mike with their moms?!

Unfortunately Mama had to go back home to Colorado and now I'm all alone again :(   But that leaves me a bit more time for car shopping!  Silvia the Silver Sable has been having some issues (she recently had to get towed) so I think it may be time to upgrade and buy my first ever new car!  I have no idea what I want - so suggest away, friends!!!
My tow truck driver was

This is how I feel about poor poor Silvia.

And, on that note, I shall bid you adieu.  But not before leaving you with some more awesome photos (cause I know you crave them)

Boxed Moscato? Lizard mask?  Yes, please