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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Festivities and more!

Hello once again friends and family! I hope this post finds you all well. For those of you not in the Midwest - brrrr it's getting cold! It wouldn't be so bad if I could get my garage door opener to work so I wouldn't have to get into a chilly car or scrap the frost off my windshield. But on a positive note - it means snowboarding season is coming up and I will once again get to see the pretty snow (give me a few months and we'll see if I'm kicking myself for leaving California's "winter")

Oct 22-25 I got to travel back to GR for many-a birthday festivities! So here's another HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all those October babies! Unfortunately, everyone in Michigan seemed to be sick with something and I ended up taking it back with me to Milwaukee :( So thanks, mom. Haha. Luckily it hasn't been too bad, only a mild sore throat, but I'm ready for it to be gone gone gone. I brought my camera with me to MI, but, in true Hannah fashion, only ended up taking pictures of the dogs.
Geo Dude!

Old man Elmo and his too long tongue

Halloween weekend was a howling good time (oooh - tacky!) Earlier in the week, I made Jim carve the pumpkins we picked at the pumpkin patch. Clearly it was an activity he hasn't dabbled in for many years as his final product lacked structural integrity. Not all of us can be amazing pumpkin architects! :) On Saturday, some friends from work invited me out and we traveled downtown to my first ever Milwaukee bar experience! My night included craming 7 people in a cab while the cabbie listened to the Backstreet Boys, walking all the way into a men's restroom, and getting a yummy street hot dog (all while dressed like a dinosaur). Yeah - I'm just that awesome. If there is any doubt on how cool I am: Sunday was spent watching glorious (and awful) Halloween horror flicks with Jim and topping off the night with a Pumpkin Pizza (which more just looked like a smiley face - but hey, it's the thought!)Awesome dino - before the coat covered it!

Yea - mine's the one not collapsing (and I'm pretty sure lighting candles on my deck is against my lease....)

Mmm - tasty tasty!

I hope your holiday was just as fun! Expect the next update to be Vegas!!! Woot!

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