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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Times they are a-changin'

Dear Friends and Family,

For those of you who haven't yet heard, there has been A LOT going on out here! Nick and I have amicably decided that it will work out best for us if he relocates back to our favorite Midwestern state! Between finances and terrible luck our stress levels were running high and, although we did our best to keep the glass half full, we knew we didn't want to keep dragging everything out!

So what does this mean, you ask? This means on Monday March 22 Nick and Geo will be hitting the road to the mitten while me and Echo chill out in Fresno (we mean, Fres-YEA). I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little scared to be out here all alone, but I've met some great friends who I'm looking forward to pestering more now so I don't turn into a crazy cat lady. And who knows what the future will hold - I love what I do at the hospital, but I'm not thrilled with my location so it's possible that my plan of staying out here at least 2 years might be stunted. Afterall, life is short and there's too many places I haven't lived yet. I mean, come on, out of 50 states I've only lived in 3, I need to get my butt moving! haha! It's my quest to find that one place I love (and then be able to work somewhere long enough to earn retirement!) so keep in touch and I'll keep you updated on where the wind blows me next!

I love and miss you all. Give me a call sometime!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah! I'll be thinking about you... I hope things continue to go well for you!

    If I make it to CA in the near future (it's a slight possibility right now), I'll be sure to swing by and say howdy do!
