Our "Happy Valentines Day" began when Hannah discovered that her poor car had been broken in to. Following a fun filled night out with friends (which is now overshadowed by the tragedy of Silvia the silver sable's domestic abuse case), Hannah was getting ready to return home when she found the massacre of shattered glass. Odd as well because her car was parked in a really nice neighborhood! Now our thief/thieves aren't very smart for one, there were a lot nicer and newer cars parked on the street in the neighborhood, why Hannah's boring mom car was targeted is a mystery...also the only thing they took was the little green iPod Hannah got for Christmas 2 holidays ago. It wasn't even the latest and greatest model either (it was a generation 3, which we think came out in '07!). Our idiotic thief/thieves left the stereo and left the GPS as well. Dumb asses. You think if you are going to go through all the trouble of breaking in, you'll at least go for the big guns. So, we guess if they wanted a iPod that bad, so be it (it's probably only worth 50 bucks now anyways) Unfortunately, since Hannah was at her friend's place when the travesty was uncovered, we didn't get any good pictures before we cleaned the mess up enough to be able to drive home. Nick snapped a few photos when I got home, but it doesn't do it justice because we had already pulled out the remaining shards of glass hanging from the window frame. Everything could have been worse, so here's to keeping that glass half full!
In other life's going on news.....
Geo is one class away from graduating his intermediate training class! Keep your fingers crossed that he actually graduates (he's not exactly been an A student this time around!)
We have successfully installed baby latches on our cabinets since the damn cat has gotten very thrifty and started off our broken glass week by shoving the honey jars out of the cabinets and onto the floors. Yea for sticky shattered glass! Maybe Echo was trying to foreshadow our other broken glass incident...
For those of you who haven't heard, for shits and giggles, Hannah had signed up to take a belly dancing class! She's about half way though the course now and is having a lot of fun (but can't imagine why any women would want to stay in a room covered in mirrors for too long while attempting to wiggle your belly around)
Nick hates Calculus, but only has a few weeks left so keep your fingers crossed for him! He managed to switch his Wednesday night class to Tuesdays as well so he only has to go down to Bakersfield 3 days a week and only needs to spend the night once. Saves money for sure. We still don't get to see one another a lot (especially since Hannah picked up a lot of call this month not knowing how our previous car dilemma was going to play out) but it is what it is!
We are excited to announce that we found something here that reminds us of home! ta-dah! VERNORS! Woooooot!
Well, we hope your Valentine's Day panned out better for you than it did us! Take care and talk to you all soon!
is echo on top of the fridge?!?