The bucket list has been completed! All 7 continents AND 30 countries by the time I turned 30 :D
AND FINALLY! The moment you have all been waiting for!!! After weeding through THOUSANDS of are my favorites. Minimal peanut gallery comments from yours truly on this post - the photos can speak for themselves.
Yes - this trip was expensive. And YES YES YES I would spend it all again! Worth. Every. Penny.
Welcome to Antarctica - where it actually may be humanly impossible to take a photo that isn't incredible!
Hanging with the crew of Camara research station
The boys at Port Lockroy used to get mightly lonely during the year - hence the creepy, busty women paintings! (They didn't have the internet, ok!?)
It took this postcard about 5 weeks to get to the mama in Colorado!
Old whaling ship wreck
Celebrating 7!
There's totally a place called Hannah Point!
Here I am pointing to Hannah Point! (Oh the irony!)
Everything is wet. So you blow dry it the best you can.
Boring days at sea? Nonsense! Not when karaoke is involved!
Travel isn't always glamorous. Sometimes they wake you up stupidly early to go out in the cold.
Go penguins, go!
Putting on 1000 layers in our best pin-up girl style!
Our fearless captain keeping us safe
Molting is rough business for this King Penguin
The whale encounters were beyond real
Home Sweet Home
Leopard Seal - one mean MoFo!
The zodiacs stacked up on board
Whale bones!
Meg is a bit chilly.
See that black speck? That's one lost penguin. Or maybe he knows something we don't.
Snot rocket!
Zoom up on this picture. It's funny. That face? That is the face of someone seriously questioning her life decisions.
Trying on all the camping gear before heading out to the ice!
Digging the hole in which I shall sleep!
Meg's hole was better... Chalk it up to 30 years of snow shoveling experience in Michigan
Feeling satisfied!
Prettiest bed we've ever made!
Everyone digging and preparing!
I'm in there somewhere...trying to stay warm
Sweet Dreams!
It was a huge pain in the tookus to put on and take off this dry suit every day. Not to mention it felt like it was strangling you!
It was a multiple person effort to get it zipped tight
But SOOO worth this fashion statement
Check out that whale in front of us! We were maybe 10ft from him!
We loaded and unloaded onto the kayaks from the zodiacs
Navigating the 'bergs
We met the friendliest seal while out paddling
He wanted to go kayaking, too!
And he put on a show for us!
After some coercion - we got our kayak guide to demonstrate how to roll a kayak! I'm sure he loved us for it, too!
Are you here? Did you make it to the end of this post?!? Congrats! That was a LOT of photos to look at :D I hope you enjoyed them and, as always, feel inspired to take your own adventure now.
Life is too short to live the same day on repeat! Stamp that passport!