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Monday, February 7, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside.

Mega news this month: Of course the Blizzard that was on Feb. 2!!! Feb. 2 was my official 6 month anniversary here at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin and it turned out to be a snowday because I couldn't get past the 3 foot drift outside my garage! Not knowing how to handle the situation, I was definitely panicking a bit early in the a.m. since I didn't know how to get to work! Turns out -no one else could either (my 3 ft drift was modest!). Free day off work? I can't complain, and I must say I love the way the snow looks. I just wish I had a sled! Below you can see an SUV that go stuck at 6 am outside my place. If they couldn't make it, no way that Silvia the Silver Sable even stood a chance.

These past 2 weekends have been busy busy! Last weekend, I hung out with Jim, and this weekend my momma came to visit me one last time here in Milwaukee before she leaves me to move to MY dream state Colorado (Sooooo jealous of her!!! And of my other friend (who will remain unmentioned in case said person hasn't made the news completely public) who is also moving there). Just a side note to everyone I care about relocating to CO, I completely plan on using and abusing you all to help me get there one day too! Best of luck to you all!!!! Anyways...back to my weekend news:

Jim got the hook-up from his mom and we got to go downtown to enjoy a Admiral's hockey game from a suite box! It was a blast! My favorite part had to be after the first period when the pee-wee hockey kids came out to play! They were so flipping adorable (and when one fell, he inevitably took out 2 more). Like the Brewer's have the racing sausages, the Admiral's had racing spreadable cheese (God, I love this state) Classy, Milwaukee, Classy. Being true to my diet as well, I pretty much starved all day so I could eat some coveted cheese curds!!!! So worth it! I must be the easiest girl to please. Look ma, I'm easy! I love me some cheese though... Oh and there were a lot of nice fights in this game. Yeah hockey!
The Pirate Ship that cruised the ice between periods

Go cheese, go!

The pee-wee players

Our kick ass suite (complete with free snacks and drinks!!!!)


Also, not to be overshadowed by my love of cheese, is my love of northern dogs! I discovered that during Waukesha's "Jan-Boree" winter celebration, there was a dog pull contest in Minooka Park just a few blocks from me. I was so excited to watch all the dogs! Most of them were Malamutes, but there were a few huskies and even pitbulls having a go at it. It was chilly, so we didn't stay the whole time, but the heaviest I saw them pull was 600 lbs!
Balto, the children in Nome need you!

Mom's weekend was cram packed with fun fun fun. Saturday morning we visited the pet expo to get out daily dose of "that is just too stinking cute, I really want a puppy" out of the way.
This isn't surprising....

Funny hairless dog. Rogaine is missing a huge market here.

Pucker up

The afternoon was spent touring the MillerCoors Brewery (much better than prior mentioned Sprecher tour) and after an hour of wandering around and probably not listening to the tour as well as we should since we were too busy cracking jokes and laughing, we got to indulge in 3 full beers. On a not very full stomach, we were definitely having a great time (good enough where we needed to wander the gift shop for a while before I was able to drive home!)In the caves where beer used to be kept a long long long time ago

My mom looking cute!

Double fisting the beer!

Sunday I took Mom down to the Jelly Belly warehouse to do their free tour. I knew this was a good option as Jim had recently taken me there as well! Who's going to argue with free candy? Psssht, you don't have to twist my arm to take it! Not to mention we got to wear incredibly sexy hats. To all you friends and family out there: this is what you have to look forward to if you visit me! We tried to visit the Cheese Castle too, but because of football and an impending relocation move, the cheese samples were lacking (boooo!!!!!) After that we, in true Wisconsin fashion, watched the Superbowl!!! Not really caring either way how the game went, we played Jenga, CandyLand, and Operation while the football game was on. And Mom may or may not have drank a whole bottle of wine single handedly........Gotta love her!
Jelly Bean art!
Mom in her awesome hat!
Jim and I spiffy looking too!
I wish I had this hanging in my apartment

Monday was a little more lazy. We saw 127 Hours (a movie I was longing to see ever since I finished the book, but missed it the first time it was in theaters) and we tried to go bowling, but for some reason, despite the fact that every single lane was empty, there was no bowling available at that time. Isn't that how it always goes for bowling alleys? What a strange strange world.

Mom the honorary cheesehead!
And me - gangster-fying the cheese hat! Fo-shizzle

I hope everyone is having a great time wherever you're at too! There will be a lot more happening this month and next - so expect a lot of updates! Keep in touch!