New Years Day was pretty low key (and that's alright by me). After failing to determine if Milwaukee had a mini ball drop downtown like Grand Rapids does, my time was spent with Jim in my apartment watching 1000 Ways to Die marathon, making a pizza, and drinking very tasty (and mildly girly) drinks (e.g. mudslides, Arbor Mist, and Mike's Hard Lemonade). New Years festivities were dampened a little by the fact that my grandma passed away so Sun-Tues a trip to Detroit was in order (an adventure in itself!). On that trip I ended up sleeping on a mysteriously stained Murphy bed (eeew!) and stripping out of my pantyhose in the ladies room at the funeral home due to an unsightly rip ( probably making the aforementioned action the most exciting thing ever to happen in that funeral home...)
Since returning to Milwaukee, I've been pleasantly busy. I've been kicking myself in the butt to put my gym membership to use and even had a 2 week streak where I went everyday! Since moving to Wisconsin, I've lost 13lbs to date! How does one gain weight when moving to California (the land of plastic surgery and size 0 models) and lose it when moving to Wisconsin (the land of beer, cheese, and sausage)? I do believe that remains one of life's great mysteries. I've recently signed up for a 6 week fitness class too that I go to every Thursday after work. I tried bellydancing and Zumba - this time we're on to pole fitness! Haha! Why not?! I've only been to 2 classes so far, but it's a lot of fun (especially putting someone as awkward as myself in a position of trying to hoist myself up on a pole). There's a lot of laughter from the group during the process (maybe that's the core workout they keep toting) and actually, after this last class, my calves are burning like crazy, oh but Mom, you'd be so proud of what your little girl can do on a pole! Don't worry, I'm not looking for a career change.
On weekends I have been bowling with some girlfriends and this past week we saw a sneak peek of the movie No Strings Attached for free. I probably wouldn't pay $10 to see it, but it was surprisingly funny (although predictable). Last weekend there was a fantastic farmer's market purchase of ground buffalo (I'm gonna be bold in my next hamburger making endeavor) and an epic fort built in my living room from which terrible movies were watched. It was so fabulous, I'm thinking that the fort will soon need to be reconstructed. You're never too old for fort building! Upcoming I have dinner and dancing plans Friday and ice skating plans Tuesday! Wow - reading what I'm typing makes me sound really busy and borderline exciting! Too bad I don't feel that way all the time! haha.
Lastly, I would be amiss if I didn't mention one of the biggest events for Wisconsin happening on Sunday. The Packers vs Bears game!!! Football is a reeeeeeeally big deal here as apparent my the hospital wide e-mail sent out encouraging all employees to wear their Green and Gold to work the Friday before the game. As a sad excuse for a Wisconsinite, I just learned who the Packer's quarterback was a few days ago and have on multiple occasions Googled different names to find out who the hell people around here are so smitten with! Everyone's excitement makes me even want to watch the game (although rather indifferent on who wins....but shhh don't tell as that comment may be strong enough to get my tarred and feathered in this area!) Maybe a fort reconstruction/quirky football party will be in order for Sunday.
Oh - also, I tried my hand at crockpot cooking! I didn't yet break put the nice new one that Erich and Laura got me for Christmas cause I wanted to see how what is probably the oldest crockpot in existence that I got from G-ma held up. We made pulled pork. Looks gross but it was yummy! And that was about all I had in my fridge for a money was spent on my new Droid Incredible smartphone instead of groceries (which I still maintain was a good choice!)
I realize I need to start taking more photos to make this more interesting for you - I'll do my best!