Nick started his new job at GameStop this month and so far so good - it sounds promising that his hours will start picking up a lot and that there may be a good chance that he'll be able to stay on at least for the weekends after the Holidays when he goes to school. He also got a job at Macaroni Grill (which was exciting as they sounded like they'd be very flexible with his other job). Unfortunately, they weren't very flexible at all and he was scheduled to work double shifts basically for his whole first week! So his employment there lasted all but one day and then he got a job at Applebees instead! It's been crazy. He had orientation, but they're waiting until after Turkey Day to give him shifts since they're kinda slow now. Fingers crossed they'll be more flexible than the Grill was!
One Saturday we decided to make Echo happy and take Geo out of the house for his first hiking adventure. Unfortunately - the trail we decided to try was not a good one at all. It appeared to start and stop many times and, in the end, felt really short. It was right up by Bass Lake, so when we finally decided to give up on finding the real trail, we took Geo to the beach so he could run (and dig!) Geo stirs up quite the fan club wherever he goes and we even ended up talking to a guy who told us a place to find a hidden geocache along our way. Of course we can't turn down a good geocache! 
Here is Geo working on his route to China. He got tired so he had to lie on his side to continue digging.
In uglier dog news - Geo started his first "blow-out." Talk to anyone who has ever owned a husky and they will tell you of the horrific tales of the Fall and Spring blow-outs. Right now Geo's winter coat is coming in so his old coat is falling out. Take a look at our photo below - no it's not Echo lying's just the fur only from Geo's rump. Ewww pretty much works as a caption here.
Working at a Children's Hospital finally caught up with Hannah. On one of her super call weekends (working 9 days in a row - 4 of them being at the mercy of her pager) she caught a cold from one of the many ill kids :( It wasn't the worst cold she ever had but it lasted like a week and a half and gave her laryngitis. Thank you Mom and Dad for not making Hannah a boy - because her nasty deep voice with laryngitis is so NOT attractive. Nick managed to escape the wrath of the bug. At least it wasn't the swine flu (which there's a lot of at the hospital too!) But working at the hospital has been pretty cool too! Hannah is learning a lot and she literally saw a 5 months old heart beat out of his chest in the OR. Crazy stuff right there! Working with kids by far beats out adults!
On the 19th - Downtown Clovis held it's annual "Enchanted Evening" (which I think was the same theme at Nick's senior prom!) It's the official kick-off to the holiday season here in Clovis. Downtown Clovis reminds us of an older downtown Holland. Pack some Geritol in your purse, and it's an senior citizens dream come true with ENDLESS (and we do really mean ENDLESS) antique shops. There are a lot of little family owned restaurants we want to get around to trying too...but that's another story. For the "Enchanted Evening", all the store stayed open way past usual (past 5 pm) and got decorated with Christmas lights and window decorations. The street were crowded with carolers and bands playing holiday tunes and every store you went into had a little table full of cookies, candies, and hot beverages. It was like a Christmas trick or treat you had to work hard for! It was cute and we had fun.
Yesterday Geo graduated! Class of November 25, 2009 and 6 o'clock. Congrats to him - now if only Echo would sit stay come.... But Echo does trump Geo in his cuddling ability. Echo's morning routine consists of getting up with Hannah before work than going back to sleep with Nick for a few more hours. That's the life. And please realize that yes, we have no social life therefore we talk about our pets a lot. We've apparently become senior citizens (complete with Hannah going to sleep WAY before midnight on any given day and most often on the couch).
To further prove that Hannah is an old women - she bought a sewing machine! Wooo! Hopefully she plans on making scrub pants to save some extra $$, but we'll see how that turns out. The first project was to make a cover for the pets ugly crate. Here's some pics for you (for momma Stultz especially!)
Yesterday Geo graduated! Class of November 25, 2009 and 6 o'clock. Congrats to him - now if only Echo would sit stay come.... But Echo does trump Geo in his cuddling ability. Echo's morning routine consists of getting up with Hannah before work than going back to sleep with Nick for a few more hours. That's the life. And please realize that yes, we have no social life therefore we talk about our pets a lot. We've apparently become senior citizens (complete with Hannah going to sleep WAY before midnight on any given day and most often on the couch).
To further prove that Hannah is an old women - she bought a sewing machine! Wooo! Hopefully she plans on making scrub pants to save some extra $$, but we'll see how that turns out. The first project was to make a cover for the pets ugly crate. Here's some pics for you (for momma Stultz especially!)
Phew - still with us here? This brings us to today! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! We got up bright and early to run a 5K Turkey Trot over in Woodward Park! Yup- you heard right - Hannah managed to get Nick to run! We got some pretty kick butt socks for signing up for the run early too. We didn't do too good in the race, but for what it's worth we hadn't run in a month and mile 2 was ALL up hill (no joke!) And don't worry about our meal today moms and dads. We did alright with our feast consisting of chicken and gravy,mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, green bean casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce, macaroni, and pumpkin pie! More than enough food(and carbs) for the 2 of us. Echo and Geo are even getting a special wet food meal (smells gross, looks grosser, but oh well) Nick works tomorrow morning - wish him luck. Hannah might go shopping or might sleep in - she's playing it by ear as this weekend she has a 5 day weekend WOOOOOOOO! We hope your month has been well and we miss you all!
Nick and Hannah (Echo and Geo)
PS leave comments! We like it when you do - and we want to know how many people are actually looking at this!
PS leave comments! We like it when you do - and we want to know how many people are actually looking at this!